I ran Grandma's Marathon Saturday.
5:02:47 on the chip. I kicked butt for about a dozen miles, then I ran out of juice. The Powerade wasn't doing it for me - it just gave me heartburn. I needed some real food. At about mile 16, people started handing out oranges and bananas, but those did nothing for the heartburn. Maybe all I needed was a couple Tums. When you're feeling beat up, the last thing you need is one more pain on top of all your aches.
Oh! Hey! I just found
That may have been another miserable performance, but it's up there with the top five great experiences of my life. (...wedding day, girls being born, finishing my first marathon...you know the drill.)
Actually, I have to say that this
was a PR for Grandma's. (I ran it in 5:12::03 last year.) And I know I can whoop @$$ on it. I'm thinking I should eat an energy bar at about 6 miles and another one at about 12. Or probably something pretty high in protein, though not a protein bar per se. I'll have to see what's out there. Protein helps a lot with the heartburn.
But I will be carrying a couple Tums too.
Here's me, trying to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after the race (I was escorting the girls to the bathroom at the campground:
So, there's your race recap.
I mentioned the campground. We decided to save a lot of money on this one, so we camped at Pattison Park, about 10 miles south of Superior, Wisconsin. (And seven miles west of where I grew up.)
I call this pic "I'm On Vacation":
(The older girl saw the sign - the rest of us were looking at something off to the right. I forget what.)
This here is what you go to Pattison for. We had a big thunderstorm that started right after the race and kept us in the pop-up trailer all afternoon. Then it cleared up about 6:00 PM and the park was absolutely magnificent!