Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I've made it a rule to make one out of c. 3.5 posts over here.

So here I am, trying to think "nouveau riche" thoughts...scratching my belly (mosquito bite)... that sort of thing.

I notice somebody did a special search for a particular picture of my daughter. I'll have a couple of pictures for you, when I get new batteries for my camera. You might want to explain yourself, but don't do it in person. If I see you, I'll... Well, the authorities would take a dim view of it.

My physique is on display on the web. I ran two and a half miles this morning. The picture will be of me curling my 60 pound dumbells.

Oh, and I joined the Gunowners of America because I think the NRA are wimps.


John Burzynski said...

Probably just family searching for your daughter's picture...I always worry about predators, etc. when I post things on my blog.

It is a long shot to occur, but there are some warped people out there.

Steve Burri said...

Heh, heh, heh. (Rubbing hands together.)

Al said...

You're probably right, John.

I'm worried about Steve, though.

Omni said...

Tsk tsk, didn't your momma tell you not to SCRATCH? ;-)

Al said...

Omni, let's talk about your Momma!

That's quite a Gravatar, you have there.