Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm such a nerd!

I love these damn quizzes:
I am 33% Hippie.
Wanna Be Hippie!
I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man.

Ayn Rand called Libertarians "Hippies of the Right." It'd be nice if old hippies would eschew the initiation of violence - including destruction of property - to the extent that Libertarians do.


Omni said...

I'm afraid to take that quiz; I LOVE tie-dye!!

Anonymous said...

ALAN you've been hiding from havent you. sneeky sneeky sneeky.

ron said...

Hey omni lovely site and I promise that I wont try and talk you into adding comments. wish mine worked all the time.

Al said...

Anonymous, if you're related to the infamous "they," you bet I'm hiding from you.

No, lately it's just been tough to come up with enough posts for one blog, let alone two.